Prof. Dr. med.
Winfried Hardinghaus
German Hospice and Palliative Association

Christian Thiel/Deutscher Ethikrat
Focus of the commitment in the German Ethics Council
- Medical ethics and everyday practice
- Existential questions at the end of life
- Hospice work and palliative care in Germany
- Volunteering and civic engagement
Professional background
- Since 2015 Chief Physician at the Clinic for Palliative Medicine at the Franziskus Hospital Berlin
- 1990–2017 University of Osnabrück, Department of Human Sciences, Vice-Chairman of the Ethics Commission
- 2009–2016 Establishment and management of the Lower Saxony Coordination and Advisory Centre for Hospice Work and Palliative Care
- 1987–2015 Chief Physician and Medical Director of the Niels Stensen Clinics, most recently at the Marienhospital Osnabrück
- 1994 Foundation of the hospice and palliative care project SPES VIVA
- Specialist in internal medicine, later additional qualification in palliative medicine, diabetology (DDG)
- 1975–1987 Clinical training at the University Hospital Heidelberg and the Clinical Centre Osnabrück
- 1970–1975 Medical Studies in Münster and Heidelberg
- Since 2014 Chairman of the Board of the German Hospice and Palliative Association and the German Hospice and Palliative Foundation
- Since 1992 Member of the German Association for Palliative Medicine
- Since 1988 Member of the Walter Siegenthaler Society for Advances in Internal Medicine
- Since 1982 Member of the German Society for Internal Medicine
- 2016 Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
- 2016 Badge of Honour of the Medical Association of Lower Saxony
- 2006 Janssen-Cilag Sustainability Award, “SPES VIVA” project
- 1999 German Innovation Award “Medicine and Health”, “SPES VIVA” project
- 1997 Janssen-Cilag Future Award for Innovations in Healthcare,“SPES VIVA” project
- 1996 Golden Helix Award
Selected publications
- Hardinghaus, W. (ed.) (2022): Suizid: Prävention vor Assistenz. Die Hospiz-Zeitschrift, 24 (5), Nr. 97.
- Hardinghaus, W.; Voltz, R. (ed.) (2020): Todeswünsche. Die Hospiz-Zeitschrift, 22 (3), Nr. 87.
- Pinkert, C.; Busch, J.; Hardinghaus, W.; Remmers, H. (2011): Empirische Fundierung und Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Optimierung regionaler Palliativversorgung. In: Remmers, H. (ed.): Pflegewissenschaft im interdisziplinären Dialog. Eine Forschungsbilanz. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 277–314.
- Hardinghaus, W. (2010): SAPV in Niedersachsen: Stand, Erwartungen und Perspektiven. Niedersächsisches Ärzteblatt, 83 (10).
- Jäckel, H.; Hardinghaus, W. (2010): Erfahrungen in zwei Flächenländern: SAPV in Brandenburg und Niedersachsen. Angewandte Schmerztherapie und Palliativmedizin, 3 (1), 23–29.
- Maier, C.; Nestler, N.; Richter, H.; Hardinghaus, W.; Pogatzki-Zahn, E.; Zenz, M.; Osterbrink, J. (2010): Qualität der Schmerztherapie in deutschen Krankenhäusern. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 107 (36), 607–614.
- Hardinghaus, W.; Rogner, J.; Meyer. B. (1999): Zur Qualität und Identität von Sterbebegleitung im Krankenhaus am Beispiel des Palliativprojektes SPES VIVA. Das Gesundheitswesen, 61 (4), 203–206.
- Hardinghaus, W. (1998): Sterbebegleitung im Krankenhaus: Das Beispiel der Modelleinrichtung SPES VIVA. In: Riha, O. (ed.): Arzt und Tod. Vorträge des Leipziger Symposiums am 16. Mai 1998. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 17–26.