Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Nils Goldschmidt
Global Ethic Institute

Christian Thiel/Deutscher Ethikrat
Focus of the Commitment in the German Ethics Council
- Economic ethics
- Social security and social services
- Intergenerational justice
- Resilience of modern societies
Professional Background
- Since 2025 Director of the Global Ethic Institute, affiliated Institute at the University of Tübingen
- Since 2013 Professor in Contextual Economics and Economic Education, Faculty of Economics, Business Informatics and Business Law, University of Siegen
- 2015–2024 Director of the Center for Teacher Training and Educational Research at the University of Siegen
- 2016 Appointment as Advisor to the Commission for Society and Social Affairs (VI) of the German Bishops’ Conference
- 2010–2013 Professor for Social Policy and Social Administration, Department of Applied Social Sciences at the Munich University of Applied Sciences
- 2012 Appointment to the Working Group for Socio-Political Issues of the Commission for Society and Social Affairs (VI) of the German Bishops’ Conference
- 2011 Board of Directors, International Research Area on Catholic Social Doctrine, Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
- 2010 Appointment as Academic Advisor at the doctoral programme “Social Market Economy” at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- 2008–2010 Deputy Professor for Social Policy and Organisation of Social Services at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich
- 2008 Habilitation in Economics at the Institute of Economics and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Freiburg
- 2002–2008 Research Associate at the Walter Eucken Institute in Freiburg
- 2001 Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Faculty of Economics, University of Freiburg
- 1998–2002 Research Assistant at the Institute for General Economic Research, Section for Mathematical Economics, University of Freiburg
- 1996–1998 Research Assistant at the Institute for Practical Theology, Department of Christian Social Teaching, University of Freiburg
- 1990–1997 Studies in Catholic Theology and Economics at the University of Freiburg
- Since 2024 Member of the German Ethics Council
- Since 2023 Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ludwig Erhard Forum
- Since 2020 Vice-Chairman of the German Society for Economic Education
- Since 2015 Member of the Board, Görres Society
- Since 2014 Chairman of the Board of Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft
- Since 2010 Member of the Advisory Council of the Roman Herzog Institute; since 2024 Chairman
- Since 2008 Affiliated Fellow at the Walter Eucken Institute
- Member of the Committees on “Economic Systems and Institutional Economics”, “Economics and Ethics” as well as “History of Economic Thought” at Verein für Socialpolitik
- 2002 Constantin von Dietze Prize (for dissertation), Faculty of Economics, University of Freiburg
- 1995 Bernhard Welte Prize (for diploma examination), Faculty of Theology, University of Freiburg
Selected publications
- Fritz, R.; Goldschmidt, N.; Störring, M. (2023): Contextual liberalism: the ordoliberal approach to private vices and public benefits. Public Choice, 195 (3–4), 301–322. DOI: 10.1007/s11127-021-00879-w
- Lenger, A.; Wolf, S.; Goldschmidt, N. (2021): Choosing inequality: how economic security fosters competitive regimes. Journal of Economic Inequality, 19 (2), 315–346. DOI: 10.1007/s10888-020-09472-5
- Kolev, S.; Goldschmidt, N.; Hesse, J.-O. (2020): Debating liberalism: Walter Eucken, F. A. Hayek and the early history of the Mont Pèlerin Society. The Review of Austrian Economics, 33 (4), 433–463. DOI: 10.1007/s11138-019-0435-x
- Wolf, S.; Goldschmidt, N. (2019): Klimaschutz auf Kosten der Armen? Vorschläge für eine markt- und sozialverträgliche Umsetzung von CO2-Steuern und des Emissionshandels. In: Müller, C. (ed.): ORDO – Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Band 70). Berlin: de Gruyter, 125–165.
- Goldschmidt, N.; Rauchenschwandtner, H. (2018): The philosophy of social market economy: Michel Foucault’s analysis of ordoliberalism. Journal of Contextual Economics, 138 (2), 157–184. DOI: 10.3790/schm.138.2.157
- Wolf, S.; Goldschmidt, N.; Petersen, T. (2015): Votes on behalf of children: a legitimate way of giving them a voice in politics? Constitutional Political Economy, 26 (3), 356–374. DOI: 10.1007/s10602-015-9190-6