Prof. Dr. iur.
Gregor Thüsing
Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn

Christian Thiel/Deutscher Ethikrat
Focus of the commitment in the German Ethics Council
- Social security
- Information self-determination and digitalisation
- Law and religion
Professional background
- Since 2004 Professor and Director of the Institute for Labour Law and Social Security Law at the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn
- 2001–2004 Professor for Civil Law, Labour and Social Security Law and Comparative Law at the Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
- 2000–2001 Assistant to the Chairman of the Executive Board in the Central Corporate Development of the Bertelsmann AG
- 2000 Habilitation (Venia Legendi for Civil Law, Comparative Labour and Social Law and Ecclesiastical Law) at the Faculty of Law, University of Cologne
- 1998 Admitted to the Bar (Attorney at Law) in the State of New York
- 1997–1998 Participation in the LL.M. programme at Harvard Law School, Cambridge (USA)
- 1995 Doctorate (Dr. iur.) at the University of Cologne
- 1990–1994 Law Studies at the University of Cologne
- Since 2024 Member of the German Ethics Council
- Vice-Chairman of the Society for Insurance Research and Insurance Solutions
- Member of the Board of the Society for Data Protection and Data Security
- Chairman of the Society for European Social Policy
- Ombudsperson of the German AIDS Foundationg
Selected publications
Please see Department of Law at the University of Bonn