Press Releases

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Press Release 01/2020 Transgender identity in children and adolescents

At the public evening event "Bioethics Forum" on 19 February 2020, the German Ethics Council will discuss the ethical aspects of an appropriate social and medical approach to transgender identity in children and adolescents.

Press Release 03/2019 Ethics Council: germline interventions currently too risky, but not ethically out of the question

Last year, the birth of the first genetically modified babies shook the world. The German Ethics Council now presents a comprehensive ethical investigation into possible interventions in the genome of human embryos or germ cells. The Council does not deem the human germline to be inviolable. It does, however, consider germline interventions to be ethically irresponsible at the present time because of the associated incalculable risks. The Council, therefore, calls for an application moratorium and recommends that the Federal Government and the Bundestag work towards a binding international agreement.