Press Releases

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Press Release 02/2022 Lessons learned: German Ethics Council offers orientation for future ways to deal with a pandemic

Today, the German Ethics Council presents to the public its latest Opinion, in which it reflects on the experience gathered in the struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic and draws conclusions for future ways to deal with a pandemic. The Council develops important ethical criteria for complex decisions and presents recommendations to improve the response to particular vulnerabilities of individuals and institutions, and to strengthen their resilience.

Press Release 08/2021 German Ethics Council recommends expansion of statutory duty to vaccinate

On the basis of a nuanced presentation of essential ethical and legal arguments in favour of and against a general statutory duty to vaccinate, the German Ethics Council, in its Ad Hoc Recommendation “Ethical Orientation on the Issue of General Mandatory Vaccination”, published on 22 December, argues the case for an expansion of the mandatory vaccination policy that goes beyond the sectoral mandatory vaccination policy recently adopted by the German Bundestag.

Press Release 07/2021 Ethics Council invites to public discussion of the ethical and aesthetic aspects of self-quantification

Together with experts and the audience participating online, the German Ethics Council will discuss on 17 November the phenomenon of self-measurement in various contexts, from everyday self-measurement such as step counting to medical applications and self-optimisation. The focus will be on the ethical and aesthetic reflection of the thus changing concepts of (normal) corporeality.