Press Releases

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Press release 04/2024 Loneliness – Existential experience and societal challenge

Many people in Germany feel lonely. What does loneliness mean for the individual? Who is particularly affected and what are the consequences for society? These and other questions will be the subject of the German Ethics Council's annual meeting on 19 June in Berlin. In addition to numerous high-ranking experts, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Lisa Paus will also be a guest.

Press release 03/2024 Web event: Power and images – AI and political opinion formation

What role will artificial intelligence play in the 2024 super election year? On 5 June, the German Ethics Council will discuss the power of AI-generated media in shaping political opinion with experts and the audience in a public online event.

Press release 02/2024 Bioethics Forum: Reproductive medicine and debate culture

In the context of reproductive medicine, particularly tough ethical conflicts arise time and again. At the Bioethics Forum on 24 April, the German Ethics Council will therefore be asking the question: How do we as a society want to deal with different positions? And how can a respectful public dialogue remain possible?

Press release 09/2023 Web event: AI in the Classroom – Ethical Questions on ChatGPT and Similar Applications

Applications of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT are increasingly making their way into classrooms posing new challenges for the school system. In an online event on 13 December, the German Ethics Council discusses with two external experts how AI can be used wisely in schools. The audience is cordially invited to join the discussion.