Press Releases

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Press Release 03/2012 Ethics Council consults experts on the future of genetic diagnosis

On 22 March 2012, in a public hearing, the German Ethics Council informed itself of the latest technological procedures of genetic diagnosis and their use in medical practice. The background to this hearing is the Opinion on the future of genetic diagnosis which the Ethics Council is currently preparing on the instructions of the Federal Government.

Press Release 01/2012 German Ethics Council: Intersex people should be recognized, supported and protected from discrimination

Today (Thursday) in Berlin, the German Ethics Council is presenting its Opinion on the situation of intersex people, as commissioned by the Federal Government. The Council takes the view that intersex people, as members of a society that espouses diversity, deserve the respect and support of that society. They must also be protected from undesirable medical developments and from discrimination in the community.

Press Release 12/2011 The German Ethics Council holds a Parliamentary Evening in Berlin

Yesterday (Wednesday), the German Ethics Council invited the members of the German Bundestag to Berlin for the second of this year’s Parliamentary Evenings, to introduce its latest Opinion, Human–animal mixtures in research, and to discuss with the deputies the subjects currently on the Council’s agenda, Intersexuality and Dementia and self-determination.