Press Releases

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Press Release 02/2013 The German Ethics Council discusses the risks of misuse of research by bioterrorists

At a public hearing on 25 April 2013 the Ethics Council questioned nine experts on possible ways of preventing the misuse of biological research by third parties without imposing excessive restrictions on the freedom of research. The results will be incorporated in an Opinion on biosecurity which the Ethics Council is currently drafting in response to a commission by the Federal Government.

Press Release 11/2012 Ethics Council meets Bundestag Members in Berlin

Yesterday (Wednesday), the German Ethics Council held its second Parliamentary Evening of the year in Berlin, to report on the status of its deliberations on issues of current interest and to discuss them with Members of the German Bundestag [German Federal Parliament].

Press Release 10/2012 Ethics Council: organized assisted suicide calls for regulation

At both public and non-public meetings the German Ethics Council today (Thursday) addressed issues of assisted suicide and at the same time subjected the Federal Government’s bill on the statutory regulation of commercial assisted suicide to scrutiny.