Press Releases

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Press Release 05/2018 When may people be protected from themselves?

Today, on Thursday, the German Ethics Council is publishing its Opinion "Help through coercion? Professional Caring Relations in Conflict Between Welfare and Autonomy".

Press Release 04/2018 On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the German Ethics Council makes human dignity the subject of its annual meeting

This year the German Ethics Council celebrates its tenth anniversary. To mark this occasion, the Council’s members are invited this evening to an official reception hosted by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Over the following two days, the Council will hold its annual meeting, dedicated this year to the topic of “Human Dignity in Our Hands – Challenges from New Technologies.” The opening addresses will be delivered by President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, and the renowned Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari.

Press Release 02/2018 Ethics Council focuses on rare diseases

In Germany alone there are about four million people living with a rare disease – reason enough for the German Ethics Council to meet 25 April with over 200 guests to focus on the situation of the patients and their families, and discuss how their needs could be better catered for by the health care system.

Press Release 01/2018 German Ethics Council and Members of Parliament debate Big Data and Health, Benevolent Coercion, and Interventions in the Human Germline

On Wednesday, 21 February, around 30 members of the German Parliament (Bundestag) accepted an invitation to join the German Ethics Council at its eighth Parliamentary Evening in Berlin. Among those present were Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU/CSU), Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Health, as well as Ernst Dieter Rossmann (SPD), Chair of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment.