Prof. Dr. phil.
Muna Tatari
University of Paderborn

Reiner Zensen/Deutscher Ethikrat
Focus of the commitment in the German Ethics Council
- Islamic systematic theology
- (Islamic) theological ethics
Professional background
- Since 2022 Professor for Islamic Systematic Theology/Kalam at the Paderborn Institute of Islamic Theology, University of Paderborn
- 2015–2022 Lecturer (Juniorprofessorin) for Islamic Systematic Theology, University of Paderborn
- 2015–2021 Director of the Seminar for Islamic Theology, University of Paderborn
- 2018–2019 Visiting Professor for Islamic Theology at the Academy of World Religions, University of Hamburg
- 2013–2015 Post-doc and Research Assistant at the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies
- 2014 Visiting Professor in the programme Theological Academic Year Jerusalem: “Strafe, Prüfung oder Preis der Freiheit? Leid und Leidbewältigung in Christentum und Islam”, Christian-Islamic Workshop Seminar with Prof. Dr. Margareta Gruber and Prof. Dr. Roman Siebenrock
- 2013 Doctorate with a thesis on “Gott und Mensch im Spannungsverhältnis von Gerechtigkeit und Barmherzigkeit. Versuch einer islamisch begründeten Positionsbestimmung”
- 2010–2013 Research Assistant and doctoral student in Comparative Theology at the University of Paderborn
- 2006 Master’s degree in Islamic Studies with the subsidiary subjects: Educational Science, Mission Studies, Ecumenical Studies and Religious Studies at the University of Hamburg
- 1997 Degree in Islamic Studies (Grundstudium Islam) at the Initiative for Islamic Studies e.V. in Hamburg
- Since 2020 Member of the German Ethics Council
- Since 2017 Member of the Avicenna Studienwerk (Scholarship Commission)
- Since 2017 Member of the Academy for Islam in Research and Society
- Since 2017 Member of the German Society for Islamic Theological Studies
- Since 2017 Member of the Advisory Board for Islamic Religious Education in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Since 2015 Member of the Steering Committee of the Theological Forum Christianity – Islam at the Academy Hohenheim of the Diocese Stuttgart-Rottenburg
- Since 2015 Member of the Advisory Board of the publishing house Kalam Verlag für islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik
- Since 2010 Member of the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies at Paderborn University
- Since 1997 Member of the association Initiative für islamische Studien
Selected publications
- Tatari, M. (2018): Reason and revelation: a meaningful contribution to contemporary ethical debates in a secular context. In: Nassery, I.; Ahmed, R.; Tatari, M. (ed.): The Objectives of Islamic Law. The Promises and Challenges of the Maqasid al-Shari’a. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 157–173.
- Tatari, M. (2018): Using comparative insights in developing Kalām. A personal reflection on being trained in comparative theology. In: Clooney, F.X.; Stosch, K. von (ed.): How to Do Comparative Theology. New York: Fordham University Press, 188–205.
- Tatari, M. (2017): Panentheismus als Möglichkeit Islamischer Theologie? In: Nitsche, B.; Stosch, K. von; Tatari, M. (ed.): Gott – jenseits von Monismus und Theismus? Paderborn: Schöningh, 169–187.
- Tatari, M. (2016): Islamische Systematische Theologie in Deutschland. Konturen eines jungen Faches. Paderborn: Universität Paderborn (Paderborner Universitätsreden, 142).
- Tatari, M. (2016): Gott und Mensch im Spannungsverhältnis von Gerechtigkeit und Barmherzigkeit. Versuch einer islamisch begründeten Positionsbestimmung. Münster: Waxmann.